“Um, Devs, We Made a Mistake” Some Marvel Rivals Players Regret Asking for No Mid-Season Rank Reset

“Um, Devs, We Made a Mistake” Some Marvel Rivals Players Regret Asking for No Mid-Season Rank Reset

Back in February, mere days before the start of the second half of the Season, the Marvel Rivals devs announced there would be a mid-Season rank reset. This caused quite an uproar, as the community was strictly against this idea. Not a day later, the devs went back on this decision and accepted the community’s request for no rank reset. Now that the second half of the Season is in full swing, some players are starting to rethink this decision.

Some Players Insist There Shouldn’t Have Been a Rank Reset

According to some players, the ranks not being reset caused some problems with matchmaking and players going on huge losing streaks. Basically, some players are “stuck” above the rank they actually deserve. So, they have to lose their way down to it.

Imbigtired63 noted: “Maybe the devs were right when they wanted to drop everyone’s ranks again. Maybe everyone (myself included) aren’t in the rank they belong in. And that’s why a lot of people are having massive loss streaks”.

Now, you might think if everyone’s rank lowers, they’d still be playing against the same players. However, this would actually allow for better selection, and allow the player to climb ranks. Players who are already ranked high usually progress much slower, and this would give them something to work for.

Keytap stated: “The point of the reset is just to get you climbing again. You’re not supposed to get hardstuck, you’re not supposed to reach a “true rank”. You are meant to climb climb climb as much as you can until reset, and then climb some more. That’s why bad players can climb with negative winrates. That’s why rank resets are so critical, even though you’re playing against the same players before and after”.

The Thing alone in Marvel Rivals.
Image via N4G Unlocked

Not All Marvel Rivals Players Mind the Reset

Even though many Marvel Rivals players regret asking for the rank reset, there are some who still claim it was the right decision. Of course, they gladly explained why they think the devs made the right call.

TimeZucchini8562 noted: ” I see no issue with no mid season reset. It gives people time to play at these ranks and play against better players and actually get hardstuck. The insane loss streaks were happening S0 and S1, not just in S1.5″.

BlaackkOuT added: “There’s always gonna be people who don’t really belong in rank because either they got carried by a friend(s) or their account is boosted. It is what it is. No ranking reset would help that. They would just do it again”.

Now, for the time being, it is what it is. We’ll have to wait for the start of Season 2 to see if the rank reset is as crucial as it seems to be. Truth be told, we do feel a difference in matchmaking, but it’s impossible to say if it’s caused by the devs’ decision not to reset the ranks. So, try to enjoy the game, and see you out there.

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