Void Erosion Missions Will Be Adjusted, Say The First Descendant Devs

Void Erosion Missions Will Be Adjusted, Say The First Descendant Devs

Players had mixed feelings about Void Erosions since day one. And now, with the latest patch, they got expanded to have 30 Stages. But the players report that some levels are too tough to beat, and not in a fun and challenging way. In the latest announcement, The First Descendant devs said that they will look into the players’ reports and that Void Erosion Missions will get adjusted accordingly.

Void Erosion missions are intended as end-game content, there for the veterans to test their mettle against hordes of high-level Vulgus. It also has a lot of Elite enemies so is a perfect place to farm those high-value drops, and is also where you can find materials for the Weapon Core mechanics. On the flip side, the players state that Void Erosion missions are painfully repetitive. The latest update added a condition that reduces your Skill ATK the closer you get to the final stage, forcing you to rely more and more and your Firearms, which didn’t sit well with the majority. However, the devs made an announcement.

The Higher Stages of Void Erosion Purge Missions Will Be Adjusted According to Player Feedback, Stated The First Descendant Devs

It has been a while since the devs gave an official statement. We had daily dev Q&As on Discord, but that has turned into dedicated AMA sessions that we only occasionally get. However, on February 6, Minseok Joo posted on Discord:

“We are carefully reviewing community feedback regarding the higher stages of Void Erosion Purge and assessing potential adjustments to enhance the overall gameplay experience. We will share further details once we have determined the best course of action. Thank you.”

As for the players, they state that the most glaring issue with those higher stages is the lack of ammo or health orbs, forcing them to die on purpose so they could get more ammo. Another issue is that the Elites are way too tough. “But from what I read, everything is just a bullet sponge with Elites having more hp than colossi.” said Jr2576, and “Billions of HP doesn’t necessarily mean the content is hard, it just means tedium and annoyance. I approve of this change.” added lambo3635.

Hopefully, Nexon will announce as soon as possible what adjustments will be made. A new Dive Live is on the way, so maybe then.

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