“We Warned You!” Looking At the Leaderboard, It Looks Like Cheaters Are Rampant in The First Descendant

“We Warned You!” Looking At the Leaderboard, It Looks Like Cheaters Are Rampant in The First Descendant

The players were wary of the addition of the Laderboard to the game, claiming that it would be plagued with chaters. And it looks like they were right, as it seems that cheaters are dominating the Leaderboard in The First Descendant.

Adding a bit of competitiveness can really inspire players to give their best, and it was most definitely what Nexon thought would happen when they announced that they wanted to add Leaderboards to the game. The Void Erosion Purge is the most popular “game mode” now, and it is the only mode that currently has a Leaderboard. Players all over the world try to be as efficient as possible, to clear the Stages as fast as they can. The Leaderboard shows scores for each Descendant separately, as you can’t compare, for example, Yujin and Gley, when it comes to fast clearing of mobs and bosses. And it was a surprisingly good score of an unassuming Descendant that raised some eyebrows.

One Ajax’s Leaderboard Score Made The First Descendant Players Suspect That Cheaters Are Running Amock

If you check the Laderboard for Void Eroson Purge (the only one we currently have), you will notice that Gley, Ines, and Bunny have the best scores. But what is off is that a top-ranked Ultimate Ajax managed to clear Stage 30 faster than anyone (except the best-ranked Ultimate Gley players).

The First Descendant image of the Leaderboard showing the score of Ultimate Ajax, showing that cheaters are among us.
A bit sus…Image via N4G Unlocked

As we all know, Ajax is a tank with some pretty good AoE abilities. While being good, he is far from being able to clear everything as fast as other, more AoE-focused, Descendants. Void Erosion Purges have some bosses with insane amounts of HP, something that a character who relies solely on firearms for single-target damage will struggle with. 

The First Descendant image of the Leaderboard showing scores for Ultimate Gley and Ultimate FreynaThe First Descendant image of the Leaderboard showing scores for Ultimate Gley and Ultimate Freyna
Gley has the best score, as expected. Image via N4G Unlocked

Naturally, everyone thinks that foul play is involved, as only chaters can be that “good”. “It’s funny how there are no vids of these times anywhere to be found. I think that’s your answer,“ said BIGTIMESHART, and “I’m skeptical because some gley with decent `The Last Dagger` build takes some time killing the elites, so imagine AJAX with no utility abilities(DPS Booster) whatsoever being on par with them.” added blastedgun.

The First Descendant image of the Leaderboard showing scores for Ines and Ultimate BunnyThe First Descendant image of the Leaderboard showing scores for Ines and Ultimate Bunny
Even Bunny is not that fast. Image via N4G Unlocked

Just As Planned?

On a positive note, Nexon has been zealous in their prosecution of cheaters, as the “cheater smackdown” table is betting bigger and bigger with each new instance. So it is only a matter of time before scores like this get erased, as GaydarWHEEWHOO said: “I’m on the solo leaderboard with 5 Descendants, and can confirm that a lot of these 30 times are [wrong]. Furthermore, I’ve seen them purge (pun intended, because why not) some of the times almost as quickly as they’ve been set. I believe in some cases it’s a bit more obtuse, hence why you see lingering cases like this.”

And finally, as some players pointed out, maybe the addition of a Leaderboard was a very intentional move by Nexon, as a way to detect chaters. Seeing the same player have unreasonably high scores will definitely put them on the ban list. We’ll see when they post the next smackdown. 

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