Which Characters Are Most Likely to Return in The Witcher 4?

Which Characters Are Most Likely to Return in The Witcher 4?

The Witcher video games include some of the most iconic video game characters, and The Witcher 4 is likely to include at least some of them. As many of The Witcher characters are long-lived or even immortal with stories that were left unfinished or with potential left, it’s likely that some will make an appearance in The Witcher 4. Characters who do reappear will likely have a connection to Ciri, or otherwise challenge her in some way.

Ciri has already been confirmed as the protagonist of The Witcher 4 and has been through the Trial of the Grasses. While this means that there could possibly be a big time skip with her still looking young, The Witcher 4 has been confirmed to take place just a few years after The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. As she’s the protagonist, the characters who reappear in-game need to challenge or support her in ways that are meaningful.


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Bringing Back Characters Important to Ciri in The Witcher 4

Geralt is one of the most important people in Ciri’s life and is the most likely character from previous games to make a return. It’s unknown what Geralt’s role in The Witcher 4 will be or what the extent of it will be, but it’s unlikely that it will just be a cameo. Likewise, Yennefer is also incredibly important to Ciri and, as an incredibly powerful sorceress, is likely to make an appearance. As one of Ciri’s teachers and closest friends, Triss is also likely to make an appearance in The Witcher 4.

As The Witcher 3′s codex is framed from Dandelion’s perspective, it’s likely that Dandelion will also make an appearance in The Witcher 4, even if it’s just a cameo. Lambert and Eskel may also make a return, as two of the only remaining witchers left, although their roles will most likely be reduced from their prominent roles in The Witcher 3 to cameos as Ciri’s journey shifts focus from the School of the Wolf to her new witcher school, and her own journey on the Path as a witcher.

Establishing The Witcher 4 Through Its Characters

As the conflict on the Continent evolves, the Scoia’tael may play a role as a part of the setting, and so prominent members of the group may make a reappearance from previous games. Most prominent is Iorweth, an important Scoia’tael leader from The Witcher 2, who was also a popular character among some players. Another Scoia’tael leader who could reappear is Yaevinn, who appeared in The Witcher 1. Although Ciri did not encounter these characters in the past and has no meaningful connection to them, they provide a face to the conflict and players will recognize them.

Ciri is unique in The Witcher universe. As an inheritor of Elder Blood, the heir to several kingdoms, and a witcher, she carries power that is untapped and not fully understood. Ciri will need enemies that prove a real threat to her, and one that could be interesting is one that players have seen before in The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone. Gaunter O’Dimm may have been banished by Geralt, but Gaunter promised to return, and he has the potential to be both a threat and an interesting conversation partner for Ciri. Gaunter would be a great character to challenge her worldviews, her place in the world, and her role as a witcher, heir, and powerful magical sorceress.

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