Wuthering Waves Unflickering Valor stats and materials

Wuthering Waves Unflickering Valor stats and materials

Unflickering Valor is a new 5-star Sword in Wuthering Waves. It is also Brant’s signature weapon and will be available on the weapon banner during the second phase of version 2.1. You can find the Unflickering Valor’s stats, effects, and upgrade materials in this article.

Unflickering Valor stats and effects in Wuthering Waves

As mentioned, Unflicking Valor is a new 5-star Sword and Brant’s signature weapon. It has the following stats and effects at level 90 and Syntonization Rank 1 to 5:

  • Base ATK: 412
  • Second stat: 77% Energy Regen
  • Effects: Increase Crit Rate by 8%/10%/12%/14%/16%. Casting Resonance Liberation gives 24%/30%/36%/42%/48% Basic Attack DMG bonus for 10s. Dealing Basic Attack DMG gives 24%/30%/36%/42%/48% Basic Attack DMG Bonus for 4s.

Despite being a 5-star, Brant’s signature weapon has low Base ATK. Meanwhile, its second stat provides a large Energy Regen bonus and the weapon’s passive provides a good amount of Crit Rate and Basic Attack DMG Bonuses. You can use this weapon on most Sword users, but giving it to anyone other than Brant isn’t recommended because of its mixed stats and effects.

The passive effects of the 5-star Sword are good but the high Energy Regen and low Base ATK make it a less-than-ideal option for any on-field DPS unit. At the same time, the high Energy Regen is good for support but these units do not need Crit and damage bonuses.

Also read: Brant’s ascension materials and farming guide

Level-up materials and where to farm them

Image via Kuro Games

Listed below are the materials you will need to level up Unflickering Valor in Wuthering Waves:

  • LF Howler Core x6
  • MF Howler Core x6
  • HF Howler Core x10
  • FF Howler Core x12
  • Inert Metallic Drip x6
  • Reactive Metallic Drip x8
  • Polarized Metallic Drip x6
  • Heterized Metallic Drip x20
  • Shell Credit x330,000

LF, MF, HF, and FF Howler Cores can be obtained by defeating the Howler enemies, such as Lightcrusher, Glacio Dreadmane, Havoc Dreadmane, Spearback, and Viridblaze Saurian. Meanwhile, Inert, Reactive, Polarized, and Heterized Metallic Drip can be farmed in the Garden of Salvation Forgery Challenge in Rinascita and the Flaming Remnants Forgery Challenge in Huanglong.

Lastly, you will also need Shell Credits, which you can farm easily in Simulation Training.

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