“You Don’t Have to Play on Difficulty 10” Annoyed Helldivers 2 Players Issue a PSA

“You Don’t Have to Play on Difficulty 10” Annoyed Helldivers 2 Players Issue a PSA

Helldivers finally ventured into the Gloom! The new enemies and mission types are extremely fun, but many players noticed that fighting on Fori Prime was quite difficult. Whether that’s because the visibility is low, or the devs ramped up the difficulty, we can’t say, but many players noticed a change. High-level Helldivers 2 players are getting increasingly frustrated that plenty of players join them on difficulty 10 and leave them stranded.

Helldivers Explain Why Playing on Difficulty 10 Is Frustrating Lately

There have been plenty of complaints about some players expecting to be “carried” on the highest difficulty in the Gloom. We’d assume that’s because players are still getting used to the new environment. However, this seems to have become a problem and has started ruining other players’ experience.

Don’t get us wrong, we’ve struggled on D10 before, everyone has. You might have a bad day, or you are too tired and can’t concentrate, and that’s fine. But, giving up can affect other players. It seems a lot of players started giving up mid-mission.

One player stated: “Man, I played a match yesterday that was someone dies, leaves, a minute later someone else joins, someone dies, leaves, joins, dies, leaves. I’ve never seen so many just quit after 1 death it’s absurd”.

Other players, who aren’t really suited to play on D10, stay, but make the lives of other Helldivers, well, hell. Gepida noted: “Yesterday, I joined some randos with 18 minutes left on the clock. By the 13-minute mark, our D1 had already died 12 times. In my nearly 200 hours of play, I had never quit a match… until now. I couldn’t watch what this lvl 100+ Helldiver was doing”.

These are the reasons why some players issued a PSA saying that not everyone should play on D10. SCARPiii concluded: “Stop joining difficulty 10 missions if you’re going to quit after dying two times. If a mission is clearly beyond your skill level, either don’t join or at least commit to seeing it through. this is the hardest difficulty in the game, things aren’t always supposed to go smoothly”.

Helldivers 2 player uses a hatchet against Terminids.
Image via N4G Unlocked

Some Players Claim D10 Should Be for Everyone

As always, there is an opposing stance to this PSA. Some Helldivers 2 players insist that anyone should play on any difficulty they want to, including on 10. In their opinion, someone else’s actions shouldn’t affect your experience, if you’re a good player.

One player noted: “Stop being babies. For months you whined about wanting harder diffs but now that we have them you’re crying your teammates are dragging you down? As if your level of skill somehow fluctuates with the teammates you’re given? Not everyone is a perfect player or will always play perfectly. Don’t complain about your teammates on here or say they don’t belong on d10, because as far as I’m concerned, only people who can complete missions with or without a competent team belong in D10”.

Now, we would agree with this partially. As we said, everyone has a bad day occasionally, everyone struggles sometimes. You should have some understanding for your teammates. However, this is a team-based game, and in our experience, playing in the Gloom is much easier when the team cooperates. Furthermore, we’ve seen a lot of bizarre behavior lately, like the increased frequency of team killing and kicking.

All of this contributes to players feeling even more frustrated on D10. So, try to communicate the problems to your team, have some understanding, and remind them of some basic etiquette. But also, remember that you’re also supposed to enjoy the game. The Major Order is still and progress, and we’ll be diving on Fori Prime. Will you join us? We promise we’ll be great teammates. For Liberty and Super Earth.

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