You’ll need to pay to edit your Monster Hunter Wilds character beyond the first free redo

You’ll need to pay to edit your Monster Hunter Wilds character beyond the first free redo

How long do you tend to spend creating a character in a video game? The correct answer is three hours. Four hours if it’s a Bethesda game, because creating a character in a Bethesda game is like rewinding the Raiders Of The Lost Ark face-melting scene while shooting at your TV with Homer Simpson’s Make-Up Gun. It takes patience to extract beauty or even just plain inoffensiveness from the Creation Engine’s sticky coils.

Hang on, why am I being mean to Bethesda? I should be directing my snide remarks at Capcom. It turns out the scalliwags want you to pay a small fee to edit your Monster Hunter Wilds character’s voice, face and body structure more than once – so if you’re buying today, you might want to spend a few more hours perfecting that Hunter physique at start-up.

All this comes care of VGC, who’ve spotted a Monster Hunter Wilds – Character Edit Voucher: Three-Voucher Pack on Steam, currently priced at £5.49, €6.99 or $6.99. Each voucher lets you “redo your character creation and debut a new look”. The base game includes access to one of these vouchers for free. There’s a similar DLC voucher pack for your Palico, a catlike helper that accompanies you through the wastes.

In the grand scheme of nickel-and-diming I wouldn’t call this abysmal, because I seldom feel the need to fundamentally redesign my character more than once. My current Monster Hunter Wilds character looks like an ailing prog rock musician, and I’m confident that’s a vibe that’ll carry me to the credits. Besides which, you can still give your Hunter a cosmetic makeover without handing over your lunch money to Capcom: the base game lets you “edit hair, eyebrow color, facial hair, makeup and clothing from the Appearance Menu in tent without using a voucher”.

Still, it’s a bit cheeky. A reminder that somewhere above the artwork you’re enjoying sit a bunch of salivating men in bow ties and tophats, holding comically oversized knives and forks.

Capcom have form for this kind of thing. Dragon’s Dogma 2 came garlanded with 21 pieces of DLC at launch, offering optional paid access to items used for fast travel, self-revival and hiring allies. It’s more thematically appropriate to Monster Hunter, perhaps, in that Monster Hunter is a game about carving things up into sellable commodities and raw materials. Wilds has been on sale for a few hours and already has 40 items of DLC – I’d say they’re flogging every part of the pig except the squeal, but there’s probably a Squeal Voucher in the works.

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