- The Court of Owls – deadly assassins led by a mysterious group that has controlled Gotham City for centuries.
- The Injustice League – ever-changing roster of powerful villains opposing the Justice League.
- The Dark Knights – evil Batmen from the dark multiverse serving the twisted Bat-God, Batbatos.
The DC Universe is full of superhero teams, from the famous Justice League to lesser-known groups like the Birds of Prey. With such a vast number of superhero teams, it’s only right that the villains form teams of their own. These organized teams of villains have bested our favorite heroes on many occasions.
Although some of these teams are well-oiled criminal enterprises, there are some that consist of a
rag-tag group of villains that often end up fighting each other before they can carry out their master plan against the heroes
. This list will =look at ten of the strongest evil teams in the DC Universe.
DC: 5 Greatest Justice League Rosters, Ranked
The Justice League has been home to many different members over the years, but some rosters have arguably been better than others.
Court Of Owls
Gotham’s Evil Rulers
The Court of Owls are perhaps the most secretive group on this list. They have ruled Gotham City for centuries without anyone knowing, even hiding from Batman, until they marked Bruce Wayne for death. The Court of Owls hid in plain sight, with many nursery rhymes and old tales leading people to believe they were nothing but a myth.

Gotham Knights: 6 Things You Need To Know About The Court Of Owls
The Court of Owls is a mysterious group in the Batman universe, who play a vital role in Gotham Knights. Here’s what players should know going in.
The main operatives of the Court of Owls are the Talons, deadly assassins trained to act out the Court’s orders without hesitation. Since the 1600s, the Talons have been responsible for countless murders to help the Court maintain control over Gotham City. Although most Talons are usually beaten by Batman, they are formidable combatants and, combined with the Courts’ political and economic influence,
the Court of Owls is one of the most deadly and dangerous teams in DC Comics.
The Injustice League
The Justice Leagues Classic Villains Come Together
Although members can vary between iterations, the Injustice League often comes together to oppose the Justice League directly. It usually consists of members like Lex Luthor, Joker, Cheetah, Black Adam, and so on. With these powerful and twisted members, the Injustice Leage have put up a good fight on many occasions.
What makes the Injustice League so strong is its ever-changing roster of villains. In one iteration, namely the Injustice League Unlimited, there are nearly 50 members at one time, including Deathstroke, Gorilla Grodd, Black Manta, Toyman and more.
The Legion of Doom
The Injustice League, But Better
The Legion of Doom is not dissimilar to the Injustice League, with members coming together to
go head-to-head with the Justice League
. Despite having similar members to the Injustice League, the Legion of Doom are significantly more organized and even have their own base of operations.
Over the years, many powerful villains have joined the Legion of Doom, most notably Brainiac, Vandal Savage, Sinestro, and Lex Luthor, who are all serious threats in their own right. Perhaps one of their most successful attacks on the Justice League was when they got hold of Batman’s contingency plans, which they used defeat the core members of the Justice League.
The Female Furies
Darkseids Elite Task Force
The Female Furies are a group of powerful warriors who act out Darkseid’s will across the galaxy. Led and trained by Granny Goodness, the Female Furies are some of the best fighters in all of DC Comics. They are trained and conditioned from a young age to obey every command without question.
Members of the Female Furies are New Gods and thus already powerful beings before their training. On many occasions, they have gone head-to-head with the Justice League, even besting the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman in some altercations.
The Secrete Society of Super Villains
A Discreet Group Of Villains That Plot In The Background
The Secret Society of Super Villains has had many different origin stories over the years. They are essentially a team of super-villains from across the galaxy and sometimes the multiverse that go up against the Justice League and other superhero teams. Whether led by Darkseid, the Outsider, or Alexander Luthor Jr, they have been close to defeating the Justice League permanently.
With members like
Ultra-Humantie, Reverse Flash, Cyborg Superman, Bizarro, Prometheus, and Starro
, it’s easy to see how powerful this evil team is. They have frequently come up against the Justice League and have beat them on many occasions. And of course, being founded by Darkseid is an accolade in itself.
The Crime Syndicate of America
Earth-3’s Evil Justice League
The Crime Syndicate of America are the evil counterparts of the Justice League from Earth-3, a twisted universe that is essentially the reverse of the mainline universe, Earth Prime. With members like Ultraman (Superman), Owlman (Batman), Superwoman (Wonder Woman), and Power Ring (Green Lantern), the Crime Syndicate has bested the Justice League many times.

7 Strongest Crime Syndicate Members In DC Comics, Ranked
The Crime Syndicate from Earth-3 are incredibly evil variants of the famed Justice League from DC, but which of them is the strongest of the bunch?
The Crime Syndicate rules their Earth with little to no care for the human populous. Although they justify their actions by saying they are trying to save humanity, they end up taking pleasure in murdering and destroying countless people and places on Earth. After bleeding their Earth dry, the Crime Syndicate looks to expand their empire across the Multiverse.
The Regime
The Justice League That Kills
The Regime was created by Superman after the Joker tricked him into killing his wife, Lois Lane, and their unborn son, and destroyed the city of Metropolis. What started out as a tougher fight against crime, with Superman opting to kill the Joker and other villains, the Regime quickly became more forceful and cruel, while trying to control everyday citizens.

DC: 13 Strongest Versions Of Superman, Ranked
Every version of Superman is powerful, but even with that in mind, these versions of the Man of Steel are a cut above the rest.
Many heroes and villains joined the Regime, such as Wonder Woman, Flash, Cyborg, Black Lightning, Lobo, Doomsday, Black Adam, and more. Only a few heroes, like Batman and Green Arrow, directly opposed the Regime from the start. The Regime was cruel, with
Superman killing Shazam, Green Arrow, Martain Manhunter, Batwoman, Lex Luthor and more.
The Legion of Super-Villains
The Villains Of The Future
In the 30th century, the Legion of Super-Villains are the rivals to the Legion of Super-Heroes, the 30th century successor to the Justice League. The Legion seek to bring chaos to the entire galaxy, and with powerful members like Superboy-Prime, they have been close to success on multiple occasions.
Their most notable feat was when the Legion of Super-Heroes had to recruit two additional Legions from parallel universes, as well as resurrecting Bart Allen, Connor Kent, and summoning Superman himself to help them defeat Superboy-Prime’s Legion of Super-Villains.
Black Lantern Corps
The Most Evil Lantern Corp
The Black Lantern Corps is made up of fallen beings from across the universe
. They are driven by death, and the Black Lantern rings choose to reanimate fallen heroes and villains to serve under the rule of the Black Light of Death, Nekron. Upon reanimation, the wearer of the ring has no free will and will do as Nekron desires.
The Black Lantern Corps can essentially recruit anyone who has died throughout the universe. Readers have seen countless Green Lanterns reanimated by Black Lantern rings, in addition to villains like Reverse Flash and the Anti-Monitor. Heroes like Superman, Superboy, Kid Flash, the Martian Manhunter, and even the Spectre have also been reanimated.
The Dark Knights
The Most Evil And Powerful Versions Of Batman From Across The Multiverse
The Dark Knights are a team of Batmen hailing from the Dark Multiverse that were assembled by the infamous Batman Who Laughs. With their worlds on the brink of destruction, these Batmen are willing to do whatever it takes to keep their worlds alive.
Being from the Dark Multiverse, these villains are twisted, cruel, and sadistic, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

7 Strongest Dark Knights Members In DC Comics, Ranked
The Dark Knights are mighty Batman warriors from the Dark Multiverse in DC Comics, and many of them are true threats to the Justice League.
The Dark Knights are a multiversal threat and serve the evil Batbatos, the Bat-God who has destroyed countless universes across the Dark Multiverse. Each member of the Dark Knights reflects a member of the Justice League, with The Batman who Laughs (Batman), The Drowned (Aquaman), The Dawnbreaker (Green Lantern), The Merciless (Wonder Woman), The Devastator (Superman), The Murder Machine (Cyborg), and The Red Death (The Flash). With the powers of all these heroes, and the twisted yet genius mind of an evil Batman, the Dark Knights are by far the strongest evil team in DC.

DC: 11 Strongest Versions of Batman, Ranked
DC has shown a few different iterations of the Caped Crusader. Here are the ones that were undoubtedly the strongest Batmans in the franchise.