All Crafting Ingredient combinations in Monster Hunter Wilds

All Crafting Ingredient combinations in Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Hunter Wilds has an extensive crafting system that allows you to create items from different recipes.

While you can obtain many items from the vendors at a campsite, they require coins to purchase. Crafting allows you to get more goods without spending your coins, as you’ll be crafting them directly. This guide includes the complete set of ingredient combinations available inside the game.

Full Crafting Ingredient Combinations in Monster Hunter Wilds

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Number Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Auto-Craft
001 Potion Herb N/A Yes
002 Mega Potion Herb Honey Yes
003 First-aid Med+ First-aid Med Honey Yes
004 Antidote Antidote Herb N/A Yes
005 Herbal Medicine Antidote Blue Mushroom Yes
006 Deodorant Smokenut Bitterbug Brot Yes
007 Cleanser Fire Herb Godbug Esence Yes
008 Max Potion Catalyst Mandragora Yes
009 Catalyst Bitterbug Broth Honey Yes
010 Immunizer Bitterbug Broth Mandragora Yes
011 Ancient Potion Immunizer Nourishing Extract No
012 Lifepowder Godbug Essence Blue Mushroom Yes
013 Dust of Life Godbug Essence Gloamgrass Bud Yes
014 Herbal Powder Godbug Essence Herbal Medicine Yes
015 Energy Drink Nitroshroom Honey Yes
016 Cool Drink Chillshroom N/A Yes
017 Hot Drink Hot Pepper N/A Yes
018 Dash Juice Catalyst Dash Extract No
019 Demondrug Catalyst Might Seed Yes
020 Mega Demondrug Nourishing Extract Demondrug No
021 Demon Powder Godbug Essence Might Seed Yes
022 Might Pill Immunizer Might Seed Yes
023 Armorskin Catalyst Adamant Seed Yes
024 Mega Armorskin Nourishing Extract Armorskin No
025 Hardshell Powder Godbug Essence Adamant Seed Yes
026 Adamant Pill Immunizer Adamant Seed Yes
027 Farcaster Smokenut Exciteshroom Yes
028 Gunpowder Fire Herb Nitroshroom Yes
029 Barrel Bomb Fire Herb Small Barrel Yes
030 Large Barrel Bomb Gunpowder Large Barrel No
031 Mega Barrel Bomb Devil’s Blight Large Barrel Bomb Yes
032 Mega Barrel Bomb Gunpowderfish Scale Large Barrel Bomb Yes
033 Smoke Bomb Smokenut Ivy Yes
034 Poison Smoke Bomb Smokenut Toadstool Yes
035 Flash Pod Flashbug Prosper N/A Yes
036 Dung Pod Rolled-up Dung N/A Yes
037 Dung Pod Dung N/A Yes
038 Large Dung Pod Dung Pod Nitroshroom Yes
039 Luring Pod Exciteshroom Bitterbug Broth Yes
040 Poisoned Meat Raw Meat Toadstool Yes
041 Tinged Meat Raw Meat Prashroom Yes
042 Drugged Meat Raw Meat Sleep Herb Yes
043 Net Ivy Spider Web Yes
044 Pitfall Trap Trap Fool Net No
045 Shock Trap Trap Fool Thunderbug Capacitor Yes
046 Tranq Bomb Sleep Herb Parashroom Yes
047 Tranq Blade Tranq Bomb Normal Ammo No
048 Tranq Blade Tranq Bomb Throwing Knife No
049 Sticky Ammo Blastnut N/A Yes
050 Sticky Ammo Normal Ammo Blue Arowana Scale Yes
051 Cluster Bomb Bomberry N/A Yes
052 Slicing Ammo Slashberry N/A Yes
053 Slicing Ammo Normal Ammo Burst Arowana Scale Yes
054 Flaming Ammo Normal Ammo Fire Herb Yes
055 Water Ammo Normal Ammo Flowfern Yes
056 Thunder Ammo Normal Ammo Thunderbug Capacitor Yes
057 Freeze Ammo Normal Ammo Snow Herb Yes
058 Dragon Ammo Normal Ammo Dragonfall Berry Yes
059 Poison Ammo Normal Ammo Toadstool Yes
060 Paralysis Ammo Normal Ammo Parashroom Yes
061 Sleep Ammo Normal Ammo Sleep Herb Yes
062 Exhaust Ammo Normal Ammo Exciteshroom Yes
063 Recover Ammo Normal Ammo Blue mushroom Yes
064 Demon Ammo Normal Ammo Might Seed Yes
065 Armor Ammo Normal Ammo Adamant Seed Yes
066 Wyvern Ammo Dragonstrike Nut N/A Yes

There are different ways of obtaining the materials required to produce these items. Some of them can be obtained from the smaller creatures found in different habitats. Make sure to check out our guide on Endemic Life and their habitats to find the items you need.

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