This article is about something that is not yet known in the game, so it features some spoilers. The devs have been working hard on the Meridia wormhole storyline and the suspension around it, so we’d hate to be the ones spoiling it for you. The latest update, which dropped on February 4, gave the dedicated leakers a lot of new data to comb through. Among other info, the leakers found some yet-to-be-aired Strohmann News videos. One particular leaked news segment showed how the Illuminate used the wormhole, finally giving Helldivers 2 players some answers.
A Leaked News Segment Gives Insight Into the Actions of the Illuminate
One verified leaker, Asunderknight, shared the newsreel they found in the Helldivers 2 data. This video features Coretta Kelly explaining what happened and how the Illuminate found their way back to the Milky Way.
Ms. Kelly talks about the destruction of the Supercolony and the creation of the wormhole. She reveals that the Illuminate used the wormhole to force their way back into our galaxy. Reportedly, the Squid refugees were stuck in the intergalactic space following the First Galactic War.

Supposedly, the scientists who authorized the use of Dark Fluid bombs, which led to Meridia’s demise, were under the Illuminate mind control. The scientists in question are the Dark Fluid Project Director, J. Roger Ostermeir, and the lead theoretical physicist, Petra Lombardi. Further investigations are in progress.

Helldivers Love Cheeky Details in Newsreels
As always, Helldivers 2 players loved the leaked news, especially since this segment provided some more info about the Illuminate. Though it was kind of expected that the Illuminate came through the wormhole with the intention of taking over the Milky Way, players finally have a confirmation on the matter.
Helldivers also loved that the scientists’ identities were revealed. You may have come to the same conclusion, but the pictured scientists are more than likely Arrowhead devs. Now, it might be just us, but doesn’t Petra Lombardi look a lot like Baskinator, the Community Manager?
KookeePenguins noted: “I love how there’s like an 80% chance those are just some random devs they chose”. Another player, JHawkInc, added: “Employee of the Month gets a news cycle speculating if they’re a traitor to Democracy instead of having a silly picture put up on the wall”.
Many players were relieved that some sort of Superbugs didn’t come through the wormhole, but, um, we might have some bad news for those of you worried about mutated bugs. But, for now, back to business! While we wait for Meridia to do its thing, we’ll be diving on the bot front and contributing to the Major Order. Will you join us? For Liberty and Super Earth.