All Free Self Revive Vase locations in BO6 Zombies Tomb Easter Egg

All Free Self Revive Vase locations in BO6 Zombies Tomb Easter Egg

If you take a look around the Tomb map, you may have noticed several vases. Breaking them will unlock a classic Call of Duty Easter Egg, earning you a free Self Revive. Here’s how to find all vases in BO6 Zombies.

Where to find all Vases in BO6 Zombies Tomb Free Self Revive Easter Egg

You can find and shoot 10 vases around the Tomb map, from the spawn point to the temple tunnels. Weapons like Assault Rifles or SMGs are needed for this quest, as some vases are far away. Let’s break down all vase locations for the free Self Revive Tomb Easter Egg.

Dig Site Vase #1 location

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At spawn, go to the right of the Dig Site to shoot one of the vases on top of the locked doorway. It’ll be near coordinates B5.

Vase at Dig Site
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Dig Site Vase #2 location

Dig Site second vase location
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Go to the Rampage Inducer and look up to spot a vase on one of the scaffolding at A5 coordinates.

Vase near Rampage Inducer
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Dig Site Vase #3 location

Dig Site third vase location
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Travel to the top of the Dig Site, next to the headless statue that’s used for the Golden Armor Plates. To the statue’s right, you’ll see a vase carefully hidden on a structure at C5 coordinates.

Vase on Dig Sites structure
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Death Perception machine Vase location

Death Perception Vase location
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After you’ve opened the doorway to the Tombs/Death Perception room, you can spot a vase on one of the bull paintings. It’s the one on the right side at D4 coordinates.

Vase above bull painting
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Stamin-Up machine Vase location

Stamin-Up Vase location
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While inside the Stamin-Up room (E3 coordinates), look up to the right to shoot a vase near the dome’s ceiling.

Vase above Stamin-Up machine
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Quick Revive machine Vase location

Vase near red doorway location
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Progress through the Main Quest’s Pack a Punch objective to enter the Subterranean Temple, aka the Quick Revive room. Shoot the vase to the left of the red doorway.

Vase above red doorway in Quick Revive room
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Quick Revive machine Vase #2 location

Vase near red doorway location
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Another vase can be found in the Subterranean Temple. Look above to see a large opening in front of the red doorway. It can be slightly hard to see with the cave’s terrain, so try to use an optic to get a better picture.

Vase in cave opening
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Quick Revive machine Vase #3 location

Vase location near Quick Revive
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Walk over to the Quick Revive Perk machine and look to your left. You’ll see a vase on top of the stone terrain at I4 coordinates.

Vase near Quick Revive machine
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Speed Cola machine Vase location

Vase near Speed Cola location
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You’ll find a stack of bones near a stone pedestal on the far left side of the Speed Cola area. A vase can be found above the doorway to the left at E6 coordinates. Unfortunately, the object blends in with the environment, making it harder to see. Just shoot in this general area until a dust of yellow/orange particles appears.

Vase above stack of skulls
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Deadshot Daquiri machine Vase location

Vase near Deadshot Daquiri
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Go towards the cave opening near the Mystery Box at the Deadshot Daquiri room (D6 coordinates). Jump up to shoot the final vase.

Vase inside cave opening
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When you shoot the last vase, a Self Revive and Ammo mod will drop immediately after. The Self Revive can be pretty handy for the Tomb Main Quest, especially if you’ve been downed from the final boss fight. It also saves you more points, as these kits go for 1,500 Salvage at the crafting table.

Self Revive and Ammo Mod in BO6 Zombies
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The Ammo Mod rewards may differ from each playthrough, but it does seem to provide Light Mend frequently. Use this resource to deal Light damage to enemies. It also makes normal or Special Zombies transform their health into healing glyphs to assist any injured teammates. Additionally, each vase contains Potts and Pains folders, completing your intel folders collection.

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