Truth be told, this community is one of the funniest, most thoughtful, and all-around best ones out there. Sometimes, an issue will arise that could easily split the community, but this one stays united and withstands the problems. The latest controversial topic was how old is too old to enjoy playing the game. This is the question the Infinity Nikki community answered in their fight against ageism.
How Old Are Infinity Nikki Players?
We don’t live in a perfect world. We all have to deal with everyday struggles, we all face problems, and in one way or another, we all face prejudice in some shape or form. Now, as you know, many female players face societal judgment, as gaming is seen as a male hobby in many communities around the world. Infinity Nikki developers managed to create a safe space for female players.
However, this didn’t stop people outside of the Infinity Nikki community from judging its members for their age. One devoted player, Purple_Dragonfly99, was teased for playing Infinity Nikki at the age of 25. So, this player made a poll asking the community members how old they were.
Even though the poll is still open, the result is quite clear. The majority of Infinity Nikki players in the Reddit community are in the 25-35 bracket (us included!). Out of 195 votes, more than half were for this bracket.

There Is no Place for Ageism in This Community
Why would anyone tell anybody they were too old to enjoy something? You have one life and you should enjoy it to the fullest. Infinity Nikki community agreed as they took a strong stance against ageism. Furthermore, players gladly shared their ages and explained why age was but a number.
Tashas12 noted: “I’m over 40. In one game in the guild where I was, they often discussed how to deal with grandchildren. The advantages of being an adult are that you don’t have to report on your hobbies”.
Another player, Fantalia, added: “I thought us millennials successfully got rid of the „too old for XYZ“ thought. Like, I grew up playing WoW with both 8 and 60-year-olds. Do whatever makes you happy”.
We confirm that statement. Now, to play Infinity Nikki, first and foremost, you have to enjoy fashion and adventure. If you do, there’s nothing that should stand in your way to enjoy yourself. Also, in our opinion, gacha games cater to adults, rather than to children. Don’t worry about “being too old”, your age doesn’t matter if you enjoy doing something. So, go ahead and continue your Infinity Nikki journey, and say hi to Momo for us.