Get froggin’ and demagogue’n in manufactured dissent simulator Vox Regis

Get froggin’ and demagogue’n in manufactured dissent simulator Vox Regis

“Your grace, the act of assigning blame is often as satisfying as resolving the issue itself,” opens brilliant little browser strategy Vox Regis by Sheepolution. From your tower, you gaze down at four factions, each with their own members and complaints. If any one faction gets too large, they’ll rebel against you. Luckily, you’re very good at speeches, which you can use to blame all the realm’s ills on other people. “It was the lion faction! They raised taxes!” you shout and point with one hand, holding a big bag emblazoned “taxes I done stole from the people” with the other. It worked! Now, the members from the other factions that are personally annoyed about taxes will come cull the lion faction down to a more manageable size. Bloody love a bit of politics, me!

The goal is Survive for five years (minutes) using as few speeches as possible, while stopping any faction growing to 30 members, at which point they’ll give you the ol’ rusty-pitchy-forky-bowelly, a famously terrible fate worth avoiding. As you watch from above, you’ll see neutrals bumble through the town gates and eventually join factions. It’s actually very fun just to watch them, but obviously you’ll get forked up if you don’t act.

I notice the frog faction getting too populous first, so I blame them for bandit attacks. Soon, their surplus members are but red stains, as tiny and insignificant as a speckled fart from the death throes of a ketchup bottle. It’s actually quite intensive, too. I keep switching tabs to write notes and end up dying each time. The limited speech goal makes it, I think: you’re always flittering around between the factions, doing little bits of math to work out where your rabble-rousing proclamations will be most effectively target. Also, just a brilliantly clever use of the first person – as noted by ‪Paolo Pedercini‬, who brought this one to my attention. Enjoy!

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