Arrowhead developers have become well-known for often including easter eggs and unusual details. Sometimes, it takes players a while to notice all the hidden gems in the designs. It’s been more than a month since the Omens of Tyranny update dropped, and Helldivers have just discovered another detail on the cover art. There is a plushie hidden in plain sight, and, of course, Helldivers 2 players couldn’t help but share their theories on how it ended up on a battlefield.
A Blood-curdling Detail Shocks the Community
Now, the cover art for Omens of Tyranny includes quite a lot of details, so it wasn’t all that surprising that it took players so long to discover the plushie. The overwhelming number of Squids and the Voteless approaching was enough to distract even the most eagle-eyed Helldivers.
When the hype over the Illuminate calmed down, some players noticed the first “hidden” detail. The Helldiver standing above the rest of the crew has casually dropped a grenade on their teammates. It can be seen mid-air, moments before the entire team is blown to pieces. A subtle nod to all the team killings in Helldivers 2.
However, that detail, although bizarre and hilarious, isn’t today’s topic. If you zoom in on the Helldiver standing in the middle, you’ll see that they are standing on a plushie. What on Super Earth is the plushie doing there?

Of course, Helldivers immediately found possible heart-wrenching reasons for the poor plushie ending up on the battlefield. Terr42002 noted: “Those Squid bastards will pay for this. He was almost at the enlistment age”. From here, the story grew into an incredibly sad tale of a child being killed by the Illuminate. Many Helldivers swore to fry as many Squids as they could to avenge the innocent child.
This Wasn’t the First Time Helldivers Saw the Plushie
Believe it or not, this fan-made theory might actually be true. The plushie looked familiar to us, so we did a little research. If you play the trailer for Omens of Tyranny, you’ll see it at the 00.20 mark. Mere seconds later, an Overseer steps on it. So, we choose to believe that this Overseer in particular was served some good old Managed Democracy.
Of course, this also brought back the age-old question, will Helldivers 2 players ever get a plushie or some other merch? Well, as of the time of writing this article, there is no information on this matter. However, seeing the plushie in the trailer and on the cover art makes us optimistic.
Dear Helldiver, it is of utmost importance for all of us to unite in the fight against the Illuminate before it’s too late. The flag burning only showed us how ignorant and disgusting these creatures are. So, the next time they decide to show their ugly faces, let’s obliterate them. For Liberty and Super Earth.