There are numerous ways to play this game. Some players fight one of the factions exclusively, so there are botdivers and bugdivers. We’re sure Squiddivers will appear as well, as soon as the Illuminate occupy “their” part of the map. Of course, some players don’t play by the faction but rather follow Major Orders. Also, some communities, like Chaosdivers, follow the beat of their own drum rather than join the crowds. However, occasionally, some of these communities need a helping hand, and, hopefully, others jump in and provide it. That is the current situation with the brave Helldivers 2 players who have been working on Martale liberation for a couple of weeks. The situation changed and they desperately need your help.
Why Martale?
So, a couple of weeks ago, some players noticed that the regen rate at Martale was 0. That means the bots didn’t have any backup from the surrounding planets (all of the planets were under the control of Super Earth). Thus, Martale was a perfect pick for Helldivers wanting to spill some oil.
Still, clearing a planet of bots isn’t a small feat, even without more of them flowing in. Brave Helldivers grinded for weeks, and they managed to achieve quite a lot. Martale was around 80% liberated when the unthinkable happened. Joel threw a curve ball and Matar Bay, one of the planets by Martale, fell.
Consequentially, Martale’s regen rate rose to 1%. Also, the latest Major Order began, drawing more people from Martale to the bug front. So, at the time of writing this article, Martale is at around 47% liberated (and that number is slowly dropping), while around 2500 Helldivers 2 players are still trying to liberate it.

Some Helldivers Are Exasperated by the Martale Liberation Effort Sizzling Out
For the time being, it seems that the attempt to liberate Martale will be unsuccessful, and some Helldivers 2 players are thoroughly disappointed. In a ditch effort, many players asked for help, especially from other botdivers.
One player, therealdovahkiin1, noted: “Vog-Sojoth divers! Pls go to Martale… Fellow bot divers if we allocate our forces to Martale we will succeed!!! It’s only a 1% regen rate we can do this”. Now, Vog-Sojoth is a whole other story. Players have been fighting there for a while, but the regen rate is 1,5%, so they’ve made no progress at all. Still, almost 7k Helldivers are fighting on this planet at the time of writing this article.
Unless Martale sees some serious influx of players and at least reaches the numbers of Vog-Sojoth, this two-week community mission is doomed. The clock is ticking, and the players fighting on Martale are getting tired and overwhelmed. So, let’s help them out! We’ll be diving on Martale today, join us. For Liberty and Super Earth.