The last several weeks have been quite slow for Helldivers. Aside from various and numerous leaks, there wasn’t much else to keep the players motivated. According to them, most of the Major Orders felt like fillers, and the player base was once again split over the three fronts. However, the current Major Order showed some promise. The DSS was finally back in the game and the players were presented with a tough challenge. Unfortunately, it seems the players will fail the Major Order, and they blame none other than the Helldivers 2 Game Master, Joel.
Is the Current Major Order Bound to Fail?
As you probably know, the latest MO has been quite demanding. Helldivers were given a little less than six days to fend off 14 Illuminate attacks. At the time of writing this article, the players are left with around two days, and they’ve only managed to fight off 4 attacks. The math is quite simple, there is almost no way that the players will emerge victorious from the current Major Order. Why exactly is that the case?
Well, for starters, 14 is quite a high number. Naturally, many players believe this MO was meant to fail, as the rest of Illuminate are expected to join the current roster. So, according to some players, this Major Order could be the first act of some Special Event. This is what most of the players hope for.
Other players suspect that the MO serves as a test for the freshly repaired Democracy Space Station. Veterans know that the devs released practically untested content before, so there are claims that they did it again. It’s possible that the devs expected the DSS to have a much bigger impact on the gameplay.

Helldivers 2 Players Insist Joel Set Them up to Fail
The majority of Helldivers 2 players insisted that Joel made them fail the Major Order. Some players claim that Joel had too high expectations when he gave the MO. After seeing the massacre on Calypso, Joel probably thought that Helldivers would relish the challenge. It backfired, and instead, the community now has some major beef with him.

To add salt to the wound, Joel made another unusual decision. As you might know, although Helldivers completed the previous Major Order, it was quite rocky. The community ignored the Heeth gambit, and once the MO ended, the most devoted bugdivers stayed behind to liberate it.
Well, during the current MO against the Illuminate, Joel decided to treat the bugdivers with a Warfront Development. A catastrophic weather event decimated the opponents on Heeth. Obviously, the majority of the player base quickly relocated to Heeth, and tens of thousands of players were fighting the bugs in the middle of a Squid MO. Many Helldivers called this move “a slap in the face”.
Also, that might be definite proof that the current Major Order was meant to fail. One player, Narfwak, noted: “This feels like a setup loss to give them room to escalate the Illuminate invasion and/or introduce new units/mechanics. It would be a little anti-climactic if we just kept stomping them out every single time they attacked”.
Hopefully, that’s the case. Recent leaks have shown that the devs have been working on quite a lot of additions, so we might get to check them out in-game soon. Until then, you’ll find us on the Illuminate front, on RD-4, to be precise. So, join us! For Liberty and Super Earth.