Once you reach Diamond in Competitive Mode, you get a truly special treat. Your team gets to ban certain characters from playing. However, as it turns out, there are some characters who get banned more than others. So, Marvel Rivals players reminded the community of all the reasons why they should ban one often-overlooked duo, Cloak & Dagger.
You Should Ban Cloak and Dagger Instead of Luna Snow
As you probably know, Diamond and above players get to use the clever ban system. Each team gets to choose two characters (so, four in total) that would sit out. The idea behind this entire system is to slow the progression of the so-called one-trick ponies. In other words, if you know how to play only one character, you’ll have a bad time if that character gets banned and you have to switch. The most obvious picks are Bruce Banner, Luna Snow, Wolverine, and Storm, as they could all be considered overpowered.
Well, according to LucioMercy, you could damage the opposing team even more if you banned Cloak and Dagger. This player noted: “C&D are undoubtedly one of the most powerful heroes in the game right now but their ban rate is only 10% according to rivalstracker.gg – though this has been steadily rising and I suspect it will surpass Luna by the end of the season once people catch on”.
The OP explained that if you were thinking about picking Luna, you should pick S&D instead. There are plenty of reasons why Luna is more vulnerable to dive, thus S&D should take her slot among the banned characters.
This player added: “But the best reason to ban them? There are a staggering number of one-trick Cloak and Dagger players. I don’t have any data on this but I have never seen more players instalock a character with a lord portrait more than this hero (I myself am lord and have had a lot of success on them so I get it). Many of these players can’t play other heroes at a diamond+ level for the life of them, so you have great odds of kneecapping a player on the enemy team with this ban”.

Marvel Rivals Community Is Split on the Matter
When it comes to strategies, it’s almost impossible for everyone to agree. So, even though many agreed with the OP, some Marvel Rivals players don’t think that a ban on Cloak & Dagger makes much difference. Or, rather, banning Luna makes a bigger difference.
One player, SkyTooFly30, explained why they would always choose Luna. They noted: “Luna gets banned primarily because it effectively removes Namor and her at the same time”. Truth be told, this is a huge bonus.
What do you think? Who do you enjoy banning the most? We have to admit that the sheer number of Cloak & Dagger players makes us want to try out the OP’s suggestion. It’s been almost two months since the game dropped, so why not switch things up, if you’re feeling confident? That is until we get some new characters. So, enjoy, experiment, and have fun.