Monster Hunter Veterans Share Tips Every Wilds Rookie Should Know

Monster Hunter Veterans Share Tips Every Wilds Rookie Should Know

Joining a well-established community is no easy feat. As you know, the Monster Hunter franchise has been evolving for a while, and the players who’ve recently joined Wilds certainly need some pointers on tips to catch up. Thankfully, the MH community is extremely fair and helpful, so the veterans gladly shared useful pieces of advice.

Monster Hunter Wilds Players Share Some Useful Advice

Now, if you’re completely new to the Monster Hunter franchise, it’ll take you a while to figure out all the little details. However, in our opinion, that’s the beauty of joining any existing community! Also, you’ll have a lot of help along the way. So, what are some things any player should know?

One player, imnotCosmo24, shared what they thought was crucial for new players to know. They reminded everyone that there were only 2 shared respawns. Also, if there were more than two players, your Palico would disappear, thus they wouldn’t be able to heal you.

This player added that staying in the camp as your teammates fought a monster was a bad idea. Instead, you should always try to contribute. Of course, if the monster one-shot you, you just weren’t ready enough for it. You should get better gear from a weaker monster and try again.

Another player, KaraArcadia, shared some useful tips. This player stated that the monsters took double damage while asleep. They advised: “Leave this to the greatsword hunters but mega barrel bombs work too”. Closely related to this, if the monster was mounted, you shouldn’t attack, as you’d be dealing less damage. Instead, use that time for sharpening, healing, or filling stamina.

The same player advised: “If your weapon can cut, break the tail first, it’s just kinda nice to get some extra carves”. You should also leave some wounds for hunters in your party that benefited from wound breaks more (Charge Blade, Switch Axe, Long Sword users).

Finally, this one seems obvious, but new players sometimes forget. The OP noted: “The moment you have the shockproof decoration, use it. You can push people out of binds and stuns without also flinching them out of attacks”.

Monster Hunter Wilds three NPCs looking up
Image via Capcom

Every Hunter Should Follow These Two Tips

Now, of course, there are plenty more tips that experienced Monster Hunter Wilds players could give you! However, according to the majority of players, it all boils down to two things. You just have to try not to die and hit the monster. That’s it. If you manage to do these two things, you’re golden.

Of course, one of these is more crucial than the other, and if you don’t have a lot of experience with co-op games, you might not guess this. Staying alive is probably the best thing you can do. Nobody1441 noted: “You can’t deal damage if you’re dead”.

We’d also add, don’t worry or panic if you’re inexperienced, the MH community is quite cool, so more experienced players will always gladly help you out. All you need to do is ask for help, and we’re sure someone will give you the guidance you need. Now, go ahead, enjoy the events, and happy hunting!

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