Why waste one revive when you can waste two? The First Descendant players are getting pretty frustrated by the reckless revives, especially during Void Intercept Battles.
Getting downed in TFD is not that hard and there is a limited number of “lives” that all players share. Thankfully, downed players can get revived by their teammates if they act fast. But there are a couple of important facts: reviving takes time (unless you’re Yujin), and revived players can be downed again the second they’re up. Players have been asking for some form of an “immunity bubble” but Nexon won’t budge. This forces players to time their revives carefully. Getting shot at by a Colossus while trying to revive a teammate brings you both into jeopardy (unless you’re Ajax). Unfortunately, this has to be said louder for the people in the back.
Attempting Revives While Having Aggro Can Cause More Harm Than Good
Going for revives while still drawing the enemy aggro is a common mistake in TFD. Players are frustrated by teammates who rush to revive downed allies while the enemy is actively focusing them, usually ending up with both of them down. “There’s always one or two [dummies] rushing to revive while being targeted, even when there’s a Yujin or Ajax there,” said ShoddyButterscotch59.
Another issue is when there is only one player left standing. Trying a revive when you’re the only one still going will end up poorly more often than not. But the blame here lies on the downed players as well. One of them can easily go for a respawn and help revive the others “This is a huge problem and what’s worse is that when 3 people are down, not a single one of these people will force a respawn to help with splitting aggro to get the other 2 revives.“ said skyline_crescendo.
Cooperation and teamwork are mandatory in high-level Void Intercept Battles. Situational awareness also goes a long way.