The recently finished Major Order was a wake-up call for many Helldivers. Sure enough, the MO was quite demanding, but the players were mostly bored of fighting the Squids, so they wandered over to the bug front for a while. However, who could have guessed the Illuminate were capable of such atrocities? Following the Major Order, Helldivers 2 players were met with a burning Super Earth flag and a concerning briefing.
Helldivers Failed the Major Order
On January 22, Helldivers failed a Major Order against the Illuminate. The MO lasted six days, and if the players cooperated more, they maybe could have won. Unfortunately, during this MO, the community split up, and the majority of players fought on the bug front. This annoyed the rest of the players and caused friction in the community.
The briefing read: “The Illuminate campaign of terror continues unrestricted. Even the resurgent DSS, deployed with unassailable precision by the Helldivers, was not enough to repel the tide of xeno-autocracy. Millions of colonists have perished, and untold more have been corrupted into Voteless servants.”
It also reflected on the return of the Democracy Space Station. Per the technicians’ reports, the DSS is functioning well. It’s been decided that the more frequent movement would become the standard operating procedure. Also, additional improvements are in progress.

The briefing added: “The Illuminate remain hidden. There can be no doubt that some large scheme is at work, but it has yet to reveal itself. The citizens of Super Earth will never be safe until the Illuminate are hunted down and destroyed”. Sure enough, the Illuminate are nowhere to be found on the Galactic Map.

The Burning Flag United Helldivers 2 Players
However, it seems that this failure was exactly what the players needed to unite them. The sight of the burning Super Earth flag after the Major Order failure made even the most undemocratic Helldivers 2 players wish to spread some Managed Democracy.
KyleHaydon stated: “Time to deploy additional incendiary weaponry. They burn the flag – we burn down their whole civilization”. A truly unexaggerated reaction to such an undemocratic act, for sure!
Now that the players are working together, the future of Super Earth seems brighter than it has ever before. We’re sure the Squids will resurface soon. Some players think the rest of the Illuminate will show up for the game’s anniversary, others believe they’ll come even sooner. So, fire up the grill, we’ll have lots of Squids to fry. For Liberty and Super Earth.