The Botdivers Were Right! The Latest Major Order Sends Helldivers 2 Players to Destroy the Jet Brigade Factories

The Botdivers Were Right! The Latest Major Order Sends Helldivers 2 Players to Destroy the Jet Brigade Factories

The botdivers called it! After discovering that the regen rates on Menkent grew significantly, botdivers suggested the Jet Brigade would return, or at least the MO would be on the bot front. Some Helldivers even suggested a community mission to liberate Vernen Wells, Lesath, Menkent, and Choohe. Well, as it turns out, they were at the very least partially correct. The new Major Order just dropped and it sends Helldivers 2 players to Chort Bay to Destroy the Jet Brigade factories.

The Objective of the Major Order Is Chort Bay Liberation

After fighting the bugs and the Squids in previous MOs, many players loved the change of pace. As always, the new Major Order arrived with a lengthy briefing that explained what exactly was going on.

The briefing explained that the intel the Helldivers got on Choohe back in December was finally deciphered. This means that the location of the Jet Brigade factories is finally known. You may have guessed it, the factories are on Chort Bay.

The briefing noted: “Veteran Helldivers will never forget the Jet Brigade’s reign of terror that nearly prevented the construction of the Democracy Space Station. The bot unit was ultimately routed by the Helldivers, but the subsequent Illuminate invasion gave the Automatons the chance to retreat and recover”.

According to intel analysts, the Automatons intend to reconstruct the Jet Brigade. Furthermore, there are some indications that this unit has already been partially rebuilt. Thus, it’s of utmost importance that Helldivers 2 players put a stop on the Jet Brigade during the current Major Order.

A briefing for the latest Major Order in Helldivers 2.
Image via N4G Unlocked

Brave Helldivers have four days to reach and liberate Chort Bay. They will have to strike deep into the Automaton territory to do so. However, this effort is for the greater good, and most importantly for Super Earth.

Major Order against the Jet Brigade in Helldivers 2.Major Order against the Jet Brigade in Helldivers 2.
Image via N4G Unlocked

Helldivers Seek a Route That Would Avoid the Jet Brigade

At the time of writing this article, players are still deciding which route to take. The majority of players (around 17k) are on Vernen Wells. Even though this planet isn’t crucial for the Major Order, the players had started the liberation before the MO dropped, and they’ll most likely stick to it until it’s liberated. That gives the community around 12 hours to decide what to do next.

After Vernen Wells, the players will have to pick between Lesath and Menkent. Now, as we mentioned, some players noticed that the regen rate on Menkent grew from 1,5% to 3% ( and, to 3,5% since then). The sudden jump in the regen rate previously indicated the presence of the Jet Brigade. Lesath has the regen of 1,5%, so it would surely be easier to liberate.

One player, maxfergie, noted: “Lesath is the way to go. Direct route to Chort Bay and the DSS looks like it’s moving there next cycle”. Many players through the Helldivers 2 community agreed with this idea.

So, at least for now, the community has made its decision. After Vernen Wells, they’ll be moving to Lesath. Make sure to vote for the DSS to move there, as well. Let’s spill some oil! We’ll be diving on Lesath as soon as possible, will you join us? For Liberty and Super Earth.

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