When the players asked for pets in TFD, Nexon made Fellows. Taking the form of adorable dogs, these faithful companions are there to provide company, serve as unintentional roadblocks, and even offer some sweet in-game benefits. Since day one the fans asked when will we get some other forms of Fellows, like cats, drones, etc. And on that subject, there is a little guy already in the game that The First Descendant players would love to see as a Fellow in the future.
Shortly after Fellows were added to the game, the players started giving ideas for future Fellows. We recently heard from the devs that the next Fellow will be a Labrador Retriever. They added that future Fellows will not necessarily be dogs, but other species as well (there were some mentions of cats and capybaras). But they don’t all have to be organic. Players proposed the idea of drones as Fellows, which would very much follow the tone of the whole game, and won’t look out of place. On that note, we already have a beloved drone in the game that would be perfect for the job.
Players Ask For the Little Supply Drone as a Fellow in The First Descendant
Each Outpost in a zone (the “home base”, not the ones you clear with Sharen) has a couple of handy workbenches and NPCs that you can interact with. One of them is the adorable Support Drone. The fans of the “Love, Death, and Robots” series may see a resemblance to one of the three robots, the little orange one, K-VRC. The Support Drones are present in every Outpost, in the Laboratory in Albion, and in every Void Intercept Battle, and they resupply your ammo and replenish your health.

One player pitched this idea on Reddit, to add the Support Drone as a Fellow in the future, and it took off. A lot of players proposed the idea of it giving out ammo and HP/MP, instead of picking up items and auto-dismantling. But others are not too keen on it, stating that it would make the game way easier if you had a portable healing/resupply station.
Others state that a Supply Drone wandering about would cause confusion, as they already exist in the game. On the other hand, the Drones are already rarely used as is, so it may not be as troublesome as they think.
A lot of sci-fi games have their small robot companions, like Claptrap from the Borderlands series, and D1g-g2r from Stellar Blade, so it is about time that The First Descendant gets one.