Life isn’t always easy. Sometimes, we all get swept away in never-ending tasks and lose that spark for enjoying life. It happens to everyone, but the good news is that you can get your spark back. Many people have experienced feeling guilty for relaxing or enjoying something during tough times in their lives. For example, some Steam Deck users have stopped playing on their devices as they thought they didn’t deserve a break. If you ever feel like you don’t deserve to wind down, talk to someone in your life, and rely on your community. They will easily prove you wrong.
Taking a Break Isn’t Always Easy
Over the last decades, life has become increasingly complicated. Many people live in uncertainty, as the demands and expectations are getting higher and higher. Thus, many people feel the constant pressure to dedicate every waking moment of their lives to living up to those expectations. Though that drive works for some people, most people get burnt out and stuck in a loop.
One Steam Deck user, Rudravn, faced a similar problem. They noted: “I feel guilty to game on my Steam Deck. Every time I reach for my deck my hand just pulls away, I’m not at the point of life where I imagined myself to be, there are lots of things I need to take care and trust me I’m trying so hard and my ADHD brain just makes it even more difficult. Recently, certain events completely turned against me. I’m uncertain of my future and I’m afraid of it. With all of this at the back of my head, I just feel guilty to pick it up”.
This Redditor went on to explain how they thought they couldn’t enjoy playing on their Steam Deck until they had succeeded in life. According to the OP, they were feeling completely apathetic toward the things that previously brought them joy.

Steam Deck Community Supports Its Members Through Tough Times
Fortunately, the helpful Steam Deck community stepped in and explained how important taking a break actually was. Many community members admitted to experiencing similar problems and offered their full support.
PaleontologistWest47 noted: “If people could only do things they enjoy in life when they’ve checked all the boxes, achieved all they wanted, and have a perfect life, no one would have fun ever. This is obviously a mental health struggle you’re dealing with, but I guarantee you, not enjoying something you want to do just because your life isn’t fixed will only make you more miserable. Download and game and give yourself an hour of fun, you owe it to yourself. Perhaps then you’ll feel more accepting that games are not that deep”.
We all struggle in life, sometimes. Everyday tasks and responsibilities can be quite draining, so everyone should find a way to recharge, It doesn’t have to be gaming, it could be as simple as taking a short nap or going for a walk. But, if you’re struggling with juggling everything, actively try to take at least half an hour to yourself, where you’ll do something that you enjoy. It’s important to find joy in little things in life, that’s what keeps us going.